- This event has passed.
We need your voice! Apply today serve on the National Western Center Authority’s Board of Directors.
Necesitamos su aporte. Póstulese para servir en la junta directiva de la autoridad del Centro National Western.
Join us for a hybrid information session on what it means to serve on the board March 25 10am.
Acompandanos para una sesión informativa híbrida el 25 del marzo 10:00 am.
Valdez Perry Library
4690 Vine St, Denver, co 80216
zoom: https://bit.ly/3mP9lPc
About the board / sobre el tablero
Whether you’re interested in community benefits, the future of food and agriculture, events or entertainment, join your fellow community members to help shape the future of the NWC redevelopment.
Ya sea que ud. Esté interesado en los beneficios comunitarios, el futuro de la comida y la agricultura, o eventos y entretenimiento, acompañe a otros miembros de la comunidad para ayudar a forjar el futuro de la reurbanización del centro national western (nwc). More about board roles and responsibilities can be found here: https://nationalwesterncenter.com/community-board-service/