
The National Western Center and its founding partners are bringing the campus to life! In 2014 these organizations committed to developing a vision for a future campus, and continue to shape the site into an exciting, year-round destination:

Founding Partners

City and County of Denver
Western Stock Show Association
CSU System Spur
History Colorado
Denver Museum of Nature and Science


The National Western Center Authority   
In 2018, the partners created the National Western Center Authority, a nonprofit organization responsible for operating, maintaining, programming and promoting the National Western Center. The Authority is the primary entity responsible for ensuring the National Western Center achieves its mission. It is also responsible for developing a community investment fund benefitting the Globeville, Elyria and Swansea neighborhoods, including through a “round up” donation option on on-campus retail purchases. The Authority’s work is well underway in preparation for buildings being completed and the larger campus opening to the public. The Authority is guided by a 13-member board of directors. The Authority is doing business as (DBA) the National Western Center.  

City and County of Denver     
The City and County of Denver is responsible for constructing several buildings and the necessary infrastructure for phases 1 and 2 of the project, to enable campus partners to build, program, innovate, and operate the campus. The city owns the majority of the land and facilities on the campus, made possible in 2015 when Denver residents voted in support of Ballot Measure 2C, a tourism tax that helps fund a portion of the redevelopment. The city leases the site to the National Western Center Authority to operate and maintain it for 100 years. The Mayor’s Office of the National Western Center is managing the majority of construction for phases 1 and 2, underway now. The city is pursuing options to complete campus phases 3-8 of the project, also known as “the Triangle.”  

The city seats seven voting and two nonvoting members on the Authority Board of Directors. 

National Western Stock Show LogoNational Western Stock Show       
The Western Stock Show Association (WSSA) will produce and book a variety of equestrian, livestock and agricultural events at the new center, including the iconic anchor event, the annual National Western Stock Show (NWSS)As one of three funding partners, NWSS is contributing $125 million total toward the redevelopment ($50 million in cash, and $75 million in land value). On the future National Western Center campus, WSSA will own and operate a new building — the Legacy Building — as its headquarters, featuring an expanded NW Club, Western art collection, NWSS archives and historic collections, and more. The Honoring the Legacy campaign is raising funds for the headquarters. NWSS currently operates and maintains the National Western Complex, a longstanding event complex that will be replaced with the new National Western Center. NWSS seats two voting members on the Authority Board of Directors. 

CSU Spur        

The Colorado State University System owns and built what is CSU Spur, on three parcels of land on the National Western Center campus. The State of Colorado dedicated $200 million to the capital construction of the CSU Spur campus, which is open to all, and  home to collaborative research and educational programs about water, food and health.  The CSU System seats two voting members on the Authority Board of Directors. 

History Colorado         
History Colorado is a founding partner of the National Western Center, and was instrumental in shaping its master plan. At the National Western Center, History Colorado will create experiences and exhibits that that share powerful stories, honor the site’s treasured memories, and enhance our vibrant communities.  

The Denver Museum of Nature and Science is a founding partner of the National Western Center, and was instrumental in shaping its master plan. At the National Western Center, the museum will create opportunities for citizens to become actively involved in science through compelling programs and experiences that inspire a community that loves, understands, and protects our natural world.

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